The only after-school detention I ever got was because I was't prepared to share a newspaper clipping of a current event in Mrs. Ryan's sixth-grade social studies class. I'd straight-up not done the assignment because I feared public speaking more than punishment. As I got older, I began to understand that my anxiety threatened to steal a lot of my future if I let it. Fueled by anger about how much it had already held me back, and how many opportunities it took from my mother, I chose to defy the "no's" voiced by my anxiety whenever possible. As well-intentioned and empowered as this policy was, I have said "yes" a handful of times when I should have been more afraid. As with the case of public speaking, my anxiety had prevented me from learning the skills in the first place. I'm pretty sure I dissociated through 99% of the public speaking course I took during my fifth year of college. (It was a core requirement students normally took their f...
healthcare journalist